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Úvod - Historické zajímavosti - Západočeské lázně a Krušné hory - západ - Památkové rezervace - Západočeské lázně a Krušné hory - západ - CHEB – CITY MEMORABLE RESERVATION



Negarantovaná informace
Address:350 02 Cheb
Telephone:+420 354 440 302 (informační centrum)
GPS:50°4'47,100"N, 12°22'12,270"E
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The town of Cheb boasts a history reaching back to the 9th century. Cheb Castle with its Black Tower and a two-storey chapel is one of the most beautiful relics of Romanesque architecture to be found in central Europe. The bizarre group of 11 mercantile houses from 13th century called "Špalíček" is a symbol of the central square. Visitors can get to know the town's history from a large exhibition on display in the Cheb Museum, whereas art enthusiasts will certainly want to visit some of the town's art galleries.

The town is associated with two prominent personalities of European history. In the year 1634 the famous commander Albrecht Waldstein was assassinated in Cheb, and in the year 1687 Balthasar Neumann, a leading architect of the Baroque period, was born there. The portrait of the latter could until recently be seen on the fifty-mark banknote. The regular Cheb Organ Summer and the International Festival of Brass Orchestras entice music lovers. The Jesenice and Skalka dams offer pleasant conditions for summer holidays.

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